In force as at 26 June 2024

1. Preamble

This Privacy Policy was created to outline the ways in which the website (hereinafter the “Website”), and the Staycation company (hereinafter “Staycation”) use the users’ personal data (hereinafter the “Users”) for information purposes.

Staycation operates in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

This privacy policy will explain how Staycation collects, uses, protects, stores, shares and/or deletes (“the Processing”) the Website Users’ personal data. You will also be informed on the procedure you should follow to get in touch with us and exercise your rights in compliance with the applicable legislation.

2. Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

The information shared by the User while using the Website (creating a user account, making a reservation via the Website with a partner Hotel, signing up to receive the newsletter) are addressed to Staycation, SAS with a capital of 19,211.88€, registered with the Paris business registry (registre du commerce et des société de Paris) under number 829 869 023, whose headquarters are located at 18 rue Soleillet 75020 Paris.

To this end, Staycation is the data’s controller and chooses the processing purposes for this personal data.

As Data Privacy Officer of the Staycation company, Mr. Kevin Hutchings is the controller’s representative.

Below are the purposes of the personal data processing, carried out by the controller within the boundaries of the use of the Website by the User.

3. Processing purposes (what is the collected data used for?)

The Users’ personal data is collected and processed by Staycation to:

  1. Create and manage User accounts – This type of processing is outlined in the terms of use.

  2. Provide the service: being an intermediary between the User and the partner Hotel in booking an offer – Staycation uses the User’s personal data to process the User’s reservation of an offer with a partner Hotel, and to manage the payment of the Offer. The legal grounds for this type of processing are outlined in the contract between the User and Staycation.

  3. Share Staycation’s offers with the User – Staycation uses your personal data to share, via e-mail, the latest offers with the partner Hotels, available on the website. The legal grounds for this type of processing is the User’s consent.

Additionally, the Users’ personal data may be processed to:

  1. Cookies to improve Website navigation: connection and Website use data
  2. Manage registrations and account creations
  3. Manage the monitoring of User orders: connection and website use data, billing, order history, information on the management of its requests
  4. Answer client service issues (when the User contacts Staycation or when Staycation replies to User comments or requests)
  5. Depending on the user’s consent to the Website’s “Cookies” policy, to offer custom content and ads to the User
  6. Prevent and fight IT crimes (spamming, hacking…): hardware and software used for navigation, IP address, password (encrypted)
  7. Carry out optional satisfaction surveys on the Staycation Website does not use your personal data for commercial purposes. The data is processed only for required purposes and for statistical, analytical, or advertising purposes

4. What data do we collect from you?

To fulfil the abovementioned purposes, Staycation collects the following data:

1. For the creation and management of the User account

Data the user must share to create an account:

  1. Gender
  2. Last name(s)
  3. First name(s)
  4. E-mail address
  5. Password

Without this personal data, the User cannot create his/her user account. Additional and optional data the User can share on his/her account:

  1. Profile picture
  2. Phone number
  3. Birth date
  4. Wishlist

On his/her account, the User may, at any moment:

  1. Modify his/her personal information
  2. View his/her bookings with partner Hotels (Staycations)
  3. View his/her wishlist

2. Provide the service: being an intermediary between the User and the partner Hotel in booking an offer

Data the User must share to purchase an offer on the Website:

  1. Contact information (Title, First name, Last name, E-mail address)
  2. Phone number for a reservation
  3. Postal address for a gift card order
  4. Payment information

If the User does not share this personal data, he/she cannot proceed with his/her reservation on the Website.

Additional and optional data the user can share:

  1. Job title within the company if the reservation is made for a company
  2. A different billing address
  3. The User may also indicate the “Reason for his/her Staycation”. The information is shared with the Hotel, so it can take the reason into account if relevant

3. Share Staycation’s offers with the User

Data the User must share to receive Staycation’s offers:

  1. E-mail address

Generally speaking, Staycation does not collect sensitive personal data on its Website. If the User shares sensitive personal data without the information being required (sharing dietary restrictions for example), the User expressly agrees to the processing of this data. In this event, the User is informed of his/her right to withdraw his/her consent at any time, by placing a formal request in compliance with the procedure outline in article 9 of this document.

5. Who is the recipient of this data?

Your data is sent to Staycation’s internal services for the aforementioned purposes.

We share your data with the following third parties:

  1. Partner Hotels, so they can carry out the accommodation services, along with any other additional services that were purchased
  2. Online payment service providers, so they can provide the online payment service for the reservation
  3. Advertising platforms, for audience creation and custom advertising
  4. Affiliation platforms, to manage registrations and bookings
  5. Web host

In the last two cases, the third party’s access to User data will be strictly limited to the fulfillment of its services, and the third party holds a contractual obligation to use the data in a manner that is compliant with the applicable personal data protection regulation.

In any case, when Staycation uses the services of sub-contractors, Staycation will take all the appropriate measures to ensure that the data shared with third parties is processed safely and in compliance with this privacy policy.

Additionally, in compliance with our legal obligations, your personal data may also be shared with duly authorized administrative and judicial bodies, and only upon judicial demand.

6. Data safety

Staycation is committed to implementing all appropriate organizational and technical data safety measures to ensure that all the personal data is well protected against alterations, destructions, and unauthorized access.

7. Data conservation period

Staycation only stores personal data for the time necessary to the accomplishment of the purposes for which the data was collected, and to the extent outlined in the applicable legislation.

In any case, the conservation period varies depending on the processing purpose.

When Staycation no longer needs to use the personal data, we will delete it from our systems and files and/or we will make it anonymous, so you can no longer be identified with it.

8. What are your rights?

Users have the following rights:

  1. Right to access: it is the right to obtain a copy of the personal data we have about you.
  2. The right to data portability: it is the right to obtain the personal data we have about you, in an electronic, structured, and interoperable format, and to have it transferred to another controller.
  3. The right to rectification: it is the right to rectify any incomplete or inaccurate personal data about you. To this end, we remind you that you can, at any time, modify the personal data in your User account by logging in to your account.
  4. The right to erasure: you have the right to request the erasure of the personal data we process about you, which we will do, subject to our legal obligation to keep the data.
  5. The right to restriction of processing: it is the right to obtain the restriction of processing of your personal data when the accuracy of the data is contested, when you think the processing is unlawful, or when you think we no longer need to process your data, unless we cannot delete your data because of legal or other types of obligations, or because you do not wish for the data to be deleted.
  6. The right to object: it is the right for you to object to the processing of your data by Staycation. We will honor your request unless we have a valid reason not do so, in compliance with the applicable legislation.

9. How to exercise your rights

The User can exercise all of his/her rights by proving his/her identity through the following means:

  1. Sending an e-mail to:
  2. Sending a letter to: Staycation, 18 rue Soleillet 75020 Paris

The User will be informed, in a timely manner, of all the measures taken following his/her request. However, Staycation will not respond favorably to requests that are clearly unfounded or excessive.

The User will be informed of his/her right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate inspection body for data protection, which is the French CNIL.

Please note that if you have withdrawn your consent to the processing of your personal data (subject to contractual and legal restrictions, as well as to a reasonable prior notice), we will no longer be able to offer you the services attached to the processing of this data.

10. Any questions?

If the User has any question, he/she should reach out to Staycation via:

  1. E-mail at the following address:
  2. Mail at the following address: Staycation, 18 rue Soleillet 75020 Paris

11. Cookie policy

We use cookies, which are text files stored on your device’s hard drive (computer, tablet, smartphone) via your web browser when you browse the Website. Cookies provide information on your navigation and allow to improve your browsing experience along with the Website’s content and features. You can always disable these cookies for free via your browser settings. Each browser’s configuration is different. It is outlined in the browser’s help menu, or you can view it below:

  1. Firefox
  2. Google Chrome
  3. Internet Explorer
  4. Safari
  5. on the CNIL website

12. Applicability of this Privacy Policy

Staycation has the right to modify any aspect of this Privacy Policy at any time. If this document is modified, Staycation shall publish its new version on the Website.

Staycation will also inform its Users of the modification via e-mail, in a timely fashion. If the User does not agree to the amended Policy, he/she can delete his/her account.

Users who do not have accounts will be informed via an alert on the Website’s homepage.